2020: it may go either way. Exclusion as a societal trend?
Outlook 2020 2020: it may go either way. Exclusion as a societal trend? We are facing interesting times. But how... Continue reading →
Bringing back Universal Values to the Business Arena
Outlook 2020 2020: it may go either way. Exclusion as a societal trend? We are facing interesting times. But how... Continue reading →
Internet und der Arbeitsmarkt 2.0 Was kommt auf uns zu? Und sind wir gut darauf vorbereitet? Veränderungen begünstigen nur den,... Continue reading →
Connected Future [i], Trends Digital Trends In the following pages, we go through six related trends with you, without pretending to... Continue reading →
In deze blog post staan de digitale trends zoals ik die in 2004 formuleerde. Oganisaties bestaan in feite omdat ze goedkoper... Continue reading →
Connected Future[1] Dit boekje gaat over u. Bent u, als klant, als ondernemer, als individu toe aan Internet en E-business?... Continue reading →