Agile observations @ co-create!
Marielle Roozemond has written this text after attending my speech on co-creation on december 10th, 2013 in ‘t Spant, Bussum, the... Continue reading →
Bringing back Universal Values to the Business Arena
Marielle Roozemond has written this text after attending my speech on co-creation on december 10th, 2013 in ‘t Spant, Bussum, the... Continue reading →
Met al dat economische gerommel in de westerse wereld vraag ik me ook wel eens af wat maatregelen zouden kunnen... Continue reading →
Hierarchy is simply too expensive …… or how to maintain the overhead costs In a hierarchy, every employee... Continue reading →
“Who’s my PAL?”, Cooperation as a core competence (2004) A company, understood as a collaboration between people and means, derives... Continue reading →
Social media as a driving force…. or how do they turn B2C into C2B and perhaps into P2P ? ... Continue reading →